18 Recipes That Will Make You Love Brussels Sprouts (2024)

18 Recipes That Will Make You Love Brussels Sprouts (1)

Brussels sprouts are so misunderstood: They've been cast aside as a sadbitter vegetable, but now they're finally getting their due with creative recipes turning them into a fried finger food, cheddar-loaded crostini, and more.

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Stuffed Brussels Sprouts

18 Recipes That Will Make You Love Brussels Sprouts (3)

Just like a stuffed mushroom, this finger food has a delicious filling of bread crumbs, Parmesan, and minced garlic.

Get the recipe from Delish.

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Buffalo Brussels Sprouts

18 Recipes That Will Make You Love Brussels Sprouts (5)

Even if you hate vegetables, you won't be able to stop eating these highly addictive (and totally disguised) pan-fried Brussels sprouts. Serve with buffalo sauce.

Get the recipe from Delish.

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Cheesy Baked Brussels Sprout-Artichoke Dip

18 Recipes That Will Make You Love Brussels Sprouts (7)

Replace the spinach in the holiday party classic with Brussels sprouts and you won't be mad.

Get the recipe from Delish.

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Crispy Brussels Sprouts with Spicy Aioli

18 Recipes That Will Make You Love Brussels Sprouts (9)

An appetizer too easy not to make: Roast quartered Brussels sprouts until they're charred and crispy and serve with a three-ingredient aioli.

Get the recipe from Delish.

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Brussels in a Blanket

You've seen Brussels sprouts wrapped in bacon, but how about bacon and Crescent Rolls? Didn't think so.

Get the recipe from Delish.

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Cheesy Brussels Sprouts Mini Toasts

18 Recipes That Will Make You Love Brussels Sprouts (13)

Shredded Brussels sprouts sautéed in a mixture of garlic and crushed red pepper, then topped on toasts with white cheddar will leave you saying "Insane!" in the best way.

Get the recipe from Delish.

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Maple-Glazed Brussels Sprouts

18 Recipes That Will Make You Love Brussels Sprouts (15)

A subtle sweetness from maple syrup and salty, smokiness from bacon means these Brussels sprouts are loaded with rich flavor.

Recipe: Maple-Glazed Brussels Sprouts

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Shaved Brussels Sprout-and-Chestnut Salad

18 Recipes That Will Make You Love Brussels Sprouts (17)

This easy and fresh salad has all the makings of an autumnal classic. After giving it a try you will be searching for a way to fit it on the Thanksgiving table,

Recipe: Shaved Brussels Sprout-and-Chestnut Salad

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Brussels Sprout, Bacon, and Gruyère Frittata

18 Recipes That Will Make You Love Brussels Sprouts (19)

This quick, hearty frittata makes a substantial meal, as it is loaded with crispy bacon and brussels sprouts.

Recipe: Brussels Sprout, Bacon, and Gruyère Frittata=

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Shaved-Asparagus and Brussels-Sprout Salad

This light salad is a fresh take on veggies that traditionally get the boring steamed treatment; asparagus and Brussels sprouts.

Recipe: Shaved-Asparagus and Brussels-Sprout Salad

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Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Browned Butter

18 Recipes That Will Make You Love Brussels Sprouts (23)

Browned butter gives Brussels sprouts a nutty and extra-rich flavor.

Recipe: Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Browned Butter

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Marvin Woods's Brussels Sprouts, Red Pepper, and Avocado Salad

18 Recipes That Will Make You Love Brussels Sprouts (25)

Try mixing avocado with Brussels sprouts, like in this salad from Marvin Woods, chef and author of Home Plate Cooking. For more flavor, add red onion, cilantro, peppers, and dressing to the little cabbages.

Recipe: Marvin Woods's Brussels Sprouts, Red, Pepper, and Avocado Salad

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Mustard-Glazed Brussels Sprouts with Chestnuts

18 Recipes That Will Make You Love Brussels Sprouts (27)

A sweet-and-tangy mustard glaze gives a big flavor boost to an often unfairly maligned vegetable — Brussels sprouts.

Recipe: Mustard-Glazed Brussels Sprouts with Chestnuts

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Brussels-Sprout-and-Apple Salad

18 Recipes That Will Make You Love Brussels Sprouts (29)

This salad is a delicious way to enjoy raw Brussels sprouts. The crunch of the little cabbages and tart apples is perfectly contrasted by buttery hazelnuts and pecorino cheese.

Recipe: Brussels-Sprout-and-Apple Salad

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Brussel Sprouts with Shallots

18 Recipes That Will Make You Love Brussels Sprouts (31)

This recipe may be for a side dish, but it packs in a full meal's worth of flavor by cooking Brussel sprouts in a medley of shallot, vinegar, sugar, and chicken broth.

Recipe: Brussel Sprouts with Shallots

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Brussels Sprouts Lardons

18 Recipes That Will Make You Love Brussels Sprouts (33)

If you're using pancetta, ask your butcher to cut it into 1/4-inch-thick slices. If you're using bacon, it will cook much more quickly.

Recipe: Brussels Sprouts Lardons

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Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Cabbage and Pine Nuts

18 Recipes That Will Make You Love Brussels Sprouts (35)

If you're worried about pesticides on your produce, simplify your choices by eating more cabbage and brussels sprouts, which have very little pesticide residue (even when not organic). Here, they unite in this fantastic fruit-and-nut-studded salad.

Recipe: Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Cabbage and Pine Nuts

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Parmesan Brussels Sprouts

18 Recipes That Will Make You Love Brussels Sprouts (37)

Quick and easy, this roasted vegetable side dish is a simple way to convince your loved ones to try vitamin-rich Brussels sprouts.

Recipe: Parmesan Brussels Sprouts

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Caramelized Brussels Sprouts with Pancetta

18 Recipes That Will Make You Love Brussels Sprouts (39)

Cut the bitterness of brussels sprouts with the sweetness of pancetta.

Recipe: Caramelized Brussels Sprouts with Pancetta

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Spicy-and-Garlicky Brussels Sprouts

18 Recipes That Will Make You Love Brussels Sprouts (41)

You might later refer to these sprouts as "green candy" because of their tendency to sweeten as they brown in the skillet.

Recipe: Spicy-and-Garlicky Brussels Sprouts

18 Recipes That Will Make You Love Brussels Sprouts (2024)


What happens to your body when you eat brussel sprouts? ›

Eating Brussels sprouts along with other good sources of fiber — like other vegetables, fruits, and whole grains — can help you meet your fiber needs. Brussels sprouts are high in fiber, which can promote regularity, support digestive health, and reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Why do I like brussel sprouts as an adult? ›

Research Fellow Lauren Chappell said: “Sulphur is responsible for the bitter sprout taste. As we age, we lose tastebuds, which can make them more palatable – potentially why adults who hated sprouts as children now embrace them in seasonal dishes.

How many Brussels sprouts should you eat a day? ›

A ½ cup of Brussels sprouts is a good source of Vitamin K (137% RDI) and Vitamin C (81% RDI) Kids, Ages 5-12 Teens and Adults, Ages 13 and up Males 2½-5 cups per day 42 - 6½ cups per day Females 2½-5 cups per day 3½-5 cups per day *If you are active, eat the higher number of cups per day.

What are the benefits of eating Brussels sprouts everyday? ›

Eating a lot of Brussels sprouts and other cruciferous veggies may help protect against cancers of the stomach, lungs, kidney, breast, bladder, and prostate. Crunchy veggies like Brussels sprouts may also help you stave off other health issues, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, and diabetes.

When should you not eat brussel sprouts? ›

If any of the leaves have brown spots or are yellowing, it's a sign of early spoilage. If you remove the blemished leaves and the interior looks OK, you can still use the sprout. However, if the interior leaves are also showing blemishes or yellowing, it's best to toss it (or compost it, if you can).

Does brussel sprouts burn belly fat? ›

Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, kale, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, etc.) have a very unique compound of phytonutrients that can help decrease stomach fat. The magical “fat-burning” properties of cruciferous vegetables have yet to be proved.

Is it OK to eat brussel sprouts everyday? ›

With all of these benefits, you may be wondering if it's okay to eat Brussels sprouts every single day. Rifkin's expert opinion is that it's safe to do so, but you also want to make sure you're eating other nutrient-rich foods too.

Who doesn t like brussel sprouts? ›

On the other hand, some people will have both copies of the bitter-tasting PTC gene. They are known as 'supertasters' and would find Brussel sprouts extremely bitter, meaning that they are likely to be disgusted by them!

What takes the bitterness out of brussel sprouts? ›

A splash of lemon juice, or even apple cider vinegar, works wonders on bitter sprouts.

Which is healthier broccoli or brussel sprouts? ›

While broccoli may have a higher count of calories, fat, and carbs, it is richer in calcium, iron, and pantothenic acid (a B vitamin that does wonders for healthy hair), and has a bit more potassium. Brussels sprouts, on the other hand, are lower in sodium.

What is the healthiest way to eat brussel sprouts? ›

Roasting Brussels sprouts caramelizes their natural sugar and mellows out bitter notes, providing rich flavor and a crispier texture. Brussels sprouts are a good source of fiber and vitamins C and K, notes the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

Is it OK to eat a whole bag of brussel sprouts? ›

Eating Brussels sprouts is generally a healthy choice, as they are a good source of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. However, eating a excessive amount of any single food regularly may not be advisable, as it can lead to an imbalance in your diet. Variety is key to a well-rounded, balanced diet.

Do brussel sprouts clean your liver? ›

Further animal studies have shown Brussels sprouts and broccoli sprout extract increase levels of detoxification enzymes and protect the liver from damage.

What is the healthiest vegetable? ›

Here are 14 of the most nutrient-dense veggies available.
  1. Spinach. This leafy green tops the chart as one of the most nutrient-dense vegetables. ...
  2. Carrots. Carrots are packed with vitamin A, delivering 119% of the DV in just 1 cup (128 g) . ...
  3. Broccoli. ...
  4. Garlic. ...
  5. Brussels sprouts. ...
  6. Kale. ...
  7. Green peas. ...
  8. Swiss chard.

Are brussel sprouts good for your hair? ›

By incorporating Brussel sprouts into one's diet, the body is supplied with the elemental building blocks required for robust and resilient hair. Cysteine: The Amino Acid for Hair Growth: Brussel sprouts also house cysteine, an amino acid with a positive impact on hair growth.

What are the side effects of eating raw brussel sprouts? ›

In addition to having a bitter flavor, raw Brussels sprouts may increase gas in some people. They contain an indigestible fiber called raffinose, which can be tough on the stomach.

Do brussel sprouts cleanse the liver? ›

Brussel Sprouts

They stimulate detox enzymes found in the liver and may also be protective to cells. This enzyme action helps remove toxins from the blood and support the liver. Brussels sprouts also contain antioxidants that prevent cell damage.

What are the side effects of sprouts? ›

Besides the risk of infections, raw sprouts may also be difficult to digest. This may cause episodes of constipation or diarrhea in some people. Difficulty digesting raw sprouts may also prevent the absorption of various vital nutrients from the sprouts.

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.