5 Elizabethan Recipes for Summer Dining | The Tudor Travel Guide (2025)

During the second half of the sixteenth century, food and cookery underwent significant changes. Under Henry VIII, English cookery had barely changed since the late medieval age, but during Elizabeth’s reign new, exotic food arrived at the dinner tables of the wealthy as tastes started to change, influenced by new fashions imported from the continent. How and what people ate was no longer dictated by the Church, but by fashion and economic regulations. Today’s blog brings you five of the best Elizabethan recipes – sweet and savoury – for you to try at home.

A wide range of cookery books made it onto the market. These were aimed at the lady of the house, and in aristocratic circles, it started to be trendy to grow and experiment with new vegetables and fruit in Elizabethan ‘specimen gardens’. These gardens were the only places where tomatoes, potatoes and peppers were grown for show, but were NOT meant for consumption.

Two new arrivals worth mentioning are SUGAR in substantial quantities and the now lesser-known white SWEET potato (not to be confused with yams from Africa). It was the increased affordability of sugar in larger quantities that triggered the popularity of fruit preserves and jams as we know them today, one of the Elizabethan recipes which has been included here today.

I have chosen these particular Elizabethan recipes because they link to this new-found craving for sugar, so characteristic of the later Tudor period. I have also included a recipe for salad, along with one for a delicious melon soup from Italy, both of which counterbalance the sugar ‘sin’ and reflect the trend for fashionable dishes emerging from Italy.

Prune Tart

Taken from Thomas Dawson’s The GOOD Huswifes Jewell, 1596. reproduced in Cooking & Dining in Tudor & Early Stuart England by Peter Brears.

5 Elizabethan Recipes for Summer Dining | The Tudor Travel Guide (1)


20cm blind-baked pastry flan case
350 g pitted prunes (I used fresh plums)
100g fresh white breadcrumbs
300ml red wine
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp ground ginger
100g sugar
1tsp rose water ( I used one tear-drop size as this stuff is mighty strong!)

Method :

Soak the prunes in red wine overnight, then simmer for 1–15 minutes until tender, drain, grind/blend with the remaining ingredients to form a smooth, thick paste. Turn into the flan case, and bake at 150 C/ 300 F gas mark 2 for 20 minutes. It may be garnished with small biscuits or caraway comfits before serving

In the sixteenth and seventeenth century, ‘prunes’ might be plums, damsons (Damask plums) or dried plums (dry or French plums). Many of the recipes suggest that the raw fruit was mainly used in cookery.

An Elizabethan Recipe of Soup of Melons With Meat Broth

This next dish in our selection of five Elizabethan recipes comes from Opera by Bartolomeo Scappi. Italy, circa 1570-80 with translation by Ken Albala ( Cooking in Europe 1250-1650 )

5 Elizabethan Recipes for Summer Dining | The Tudor Travel Guide (2)
  • Melon
  • Butter or chicken fat
  • Grated cheese (Parmesan)
  • Eggs
  • Verjuice or Gooseberries

Method (Original Elizabethan Recipe)

Take melons in season, which begins in July and lasts through all August. Though in Rome you find them even in September, and look for those that are not too mature, remove the peel and seeds and take the best part, cut in little mouthfuls and place in a pot in which is fresh butter or melted chicken fat, with which you let it cook. When it is cooked pass through a strainer so in case there are any seeds they won’t go in, then replace it in the pot with a bit of broth, gooseberries or whole unripe grapes and let it boil, then incorporate with beaten eggs and grated cheese. You can also cook the said melon with broth and when it is cooked, break up with a spoon and mix in as said above, eggs, cheese, spices and not having gooseberries or unripe grapes, use verjuice. ‘

This dish would have been classified by physicians as cold and moist food, perfectly appropriate for counteracting the heat of late summer.

Scappi offers variant procedures if a strainer is unavailable and verjuice (vinegar made from unripe grapes in Italy or crab apples in England ) can also supply the desired sourness. This hot fruit soup offers the perfect combination of sweet, sour and savoury ingredients and is a perfect example of a typical Renaissance recipe.

Chickens with Damsons (Chicken and plum pie): A Hearty Pie Based on a Late Elizabethan Recipe

Recipe from The Good Huswifes Handmaide for the Kitchen, published in 1594.

5 Elizabethan Recipes for Summer Dining | The Tudor Travel Guide (3)


For the filling:

  • 4 chicken breasts ( preferably cut into small bite-size pieces and pre-cooked )
  • 20 damsons (peeled and halved – stones removed)
  • Butter – the size of a walnut
  • 1 tsp of cloves
  • 1 tsp of mace
  • 2 tsp of cinnamon
  • 1 tsp of sugar
  • A handful of currants or raisins

For the pastry:

  • quantity of flour to make the dough
  • Circa 12 egg yolks
  • Butter
  • A little saffron for colouring

Original Elizabethan Recipe

Take your chickens, drawe them and wash them, then breake their bones and lay them in a platter, then take foure handfuls of fine flower and lay it on a faire boord, put thereto twelve yolks of Egs, a dish of butter, and a little Saffron : mingle them together, and make your paste therewith. Then make sixe coffins, and put in euery coffin a lumpe of butter of the bignesse of a walnut: then season your sixe coffins with one spoonful of Cloues and Mace, two spoonfuls of Synamon, and one of Sugar, and a spoonful of Salt. The put your Chickens into your pies: then take damisons and pare away the outward peele of them, and then twentie in euery of your pies, round about your chicken, then put into euerie of your coffins, a hand full of Corrans. Then close them vp, and put them into the Oven, then let them be there three-quarters of an hour.’

Modern interpretation : ( by Brigitte Webster )

  • Prepare pastry from flour, butter, yolks and saffron.
  • Wash, cut and pre-cook chicken.
  • Roll out and put the pastry in your baking dish.
  • Add chicken, damsons, spices, butter and raisins.
  • Close up and bake.

Conserve of Prunes or Damsons: An Elizabethan Recipe Direct from your Garden

Recipe from Delightes for Ladies by Sir Hugh Plat. Date : 1602

5 Elizabethan Recipes for Summer Dining | The Tudor Travel Guide (4)
  • 1.5 kg damson plums (or prunes)
  • 600ml rose water or dry white wine (I combined both as the rosewater is very strong)
  • 500g caster sugar

Original Elizabeth Recipe

Conferue of prunes or damsons made another way. Take a pottle of damsons, prick them and put them into a pot; putting thereto a pinte of Rosewater or wine, and cover your pot, let them boile well, then incorporate them by stirring, and when they be tender let them coole, and staine them with the liquor also, then take the pulpe and set it ouer the fire, and put thereto a sufficient quantitie of sugar, and boile them to their height or consistencie, and put it up in gallypots, or jarre glasses.’

Modern interpretation : (by Terry Breverton – The Tudor Kitchen)

Wash the fruit well then place in a large pan with the rose water or wine. Bring to a simmer and cook for about 10 minutes, or until the fruit has softened, then increase to a gentle boil and cook for about 15 mins more, or until the fruit has broken down. Take off the heat and allow to cool slightly then turn into a fine-meshed sieve. Press the fruit pulp through into a bowl using the back of a spoon. Measure the weight of the pulp then scrape into a saucepan along with 500g sugar per 500g of fruit pulp. Return to the heat, bring to the boil and cook for another 15 mins. Skim the surface then ladle into sterilized jars that have been warmed in an oven set to 100 degrees C for 5 minutes. Allow 1 cm of headspace then secure the lid, allow to cool and store.

Salad of Greens: A Savoury Elizabethan Recipe to Accompany any Dish

Original from The Opera of Bartolomeo Scappi, Italy, 1570.

Bartolomeo Scappi was the chef to several Popes and wrote the monumental ‘Opera’ (works), which is considered the first modern cookbook. It has directions for shopping, full menus, extremely detailed recipes and illustrations. This is the last of our Elizabethan recipes. It is a wonderfully refreshing salad that goes well with any dish!

5 Elizabethan Recipes for Summer Dining | The Tudor Travel Guide (5)
  • Assorted greens ( beet leaves, sorrel,baby chard, wild rocket, lettuce, kale, spinach, lambs lettuce, etc )
  • Leeks, cut ( I used baby leek )
  • Parsley, chopped
  • Assorted herbs ( sage,rosemary, thyme, mint, lemon balm, basil, cress, salad burnet, tarragon etc )
  • Olive oil
  • Red wine vinegar
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Borage flowers and Pot Marigoldflowers for decoration

Wash and separate greens. Mix them together. Dress with oil, vinegar and salt & pepper.

If you have enjoyed these Elizabethan recipes and want to try out some early, sixteenth-century summer dishes, how about exploring another popular blog: 5 Mouth-Watering Summer Tudor Recipes Not to be Missed!

Sources and recommendations for further reading :

The Opera of Bartolomeo Scappi, (translated by Terence Scully)

Delights for Ladies, by Sir Hugh Plat

The Good Huswifes Handmaide for the Kitchen, published in 1594

The Good Huswifes Jewell, by Thomas Dawson

Cooking and Dining in Tudor & Early Stuart England, by Peter Brears

The Tudor Kitchen, by Terry Breverton

Cooking in Europe 1250-1650, by Ken Albala

Food and Identity in England, 1540-1640, by Paul S Lloyd

Renaissance Food from Rabelais to Shakespeare, edited by Joan Fitzpatrick

Eating Right in the Renaissance, by Ken Albala

A Cultural History of Food in the Renaissance, edited by Ken Albala

5 Elizabethan Recipes for Summer Dining | The Tudor Travel Guide (6)Each month, our Tudor recipe is contributed by Brigitte Webster. Brigitte runs the ‘Tudor and 17th Century Experience‘. She turned her passion for early English history into a business and opened a living history guesthouse, where people step back in time and totallyimmersethemselves in Tudor history by sleeping in Tudor beds, eating and drinking authentic, Tudor recipes. She also provides her guests with Tudor entertainment. She loves re-creating Tudor food and gardens and researching Tudor furniture.

5 Elizabethan Recipes for Summer Dining | The Tudor Travel Guide (2025)


What foods were eaten in the Elizabethan era? ›

The First Course: Pottage or stewed broth; boiled meat or stewed meat, chickens and bacon, powdered [salted] beef, pies, goose, pig, roasted beef, roasted veal, custard. The Second Course: Roasted lamb, roasted capons, roasted conies [rabbit], chickens, peahens, baked venison, tart.

What were the popular desserts in the Elizabethan era? ›

The Elizabethan era was one of the first in its time to begin producing lavish desserts, the most popular being marchpane, which we now know as marzipan, along with gingerbread.

What did Elizabethans eat for breakfast? ›

Elizabeth liked to start her day with an ale, manchet (bread) and pottage, a beef or mutton stew with oats, wheat or barley. This is based on a 16th-century recipe. Melt a knob of butter in a large pan.

What did the poor drink in the Elizabethan era? ›

The Upper Classes drank both and the Lower Classes just drank ale. Honey was used to make a sweet alcoholic drink called mead which was drunk by all classes. Wine was imported, although there were a few fruit wines produced in England. Most of the wines were sweet and rather heavy.

What did the Tudors eat for dinner? ›

Dishes included game, roasted or served in pies, lamb, venison and swan. For banquets, more unusual items, such as conger eel and porpoise could be on the menu. Sweet dishes were often served along with savoury. Only the King was given a fork, with which he ate sweet preserves.

What was Elizabeth favorite food? ›

The queen had a legendary love of sweets, especially anything chocolate. She especially enjoyed a classic icebox-style cake using simple tea biscuits suspended in an egg-enriched ganache and then chilled before coated in a thin layer of chocolate.

What did the Tudors eat for dessert? ›

While we're used to eating sweet desserts today, sugar was very expensive and rare in Tudor England. After gorging on meaty pies and puddings during a feast, wealthy Tudors would eat other types of sweet treats such as honeyed fruits, jelly and gingerbread, along with these cheesy fritters called smartards.

What were Elizabethan food desserts? ›

Elizabethan Recipes
  • Medieval pies. ...
  • Manchester tart - Wikipedia. ...
  • Maids of Honour - Old English Tudor Cheesecakes Recipe - Food.com. ...
  • Sambocade — Medieval Elderflower Cream Cheese Tart Recipe - Baking.Food.com. ...
  • Hark, the Royal Wedding! ...
  • Rustic fruit tarts. ...
  • Maids of Honour - Old English Tudor Cheesecakes Recipe - Food.com.

What were the desserts in Tudor England? ›

The desserts consumed were baked pears with scraped cheese, pippins, tarts, custard pies and cake, roasted chestnuts and a choice of cheeses, French, Italian and English. Each course washed down with a selection of red and white wines.

What did poor people eat in the Elizabethan times? ›

Sometimes they made their barley into bread, pancakes or pizza, barley porridge (like oatmeal) and sometimes into barley soup. Most people were poor who ate poorly, of course. Barley in spring and rye in fall were the major crops. Barley bread, porridge, gruel and pasta, for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

What did the lower class eat in the Elizabethan era? ›

The food eaten daily by the average Lower Class Elizabethan consisted of at least ½ lb. bread, 1 pint of beer, 1 pint of porridge, and 1/4 lb of meat. This would have been supplemented with some dairy products - vegetables were a substantial ingredient of soups.

What meat did Elizabethans eat? ›

Domestic animals: beef, veal, pork, chicken, duck, rabbit, goat. Also swan, peacock, goose, pigeon, doves. Swans were fairly common in the Thames, and not especially an upper class item.

What alcoholic drink did Queen Elizabeth like? ›

But what was her drink of choice? Elizabeth II was known to love a Dubonnet, a French drink by Pernod Ricard which combines fortified wine with herbs and spices – so much so that she gave it a Royal Warrant in November 2021. She preferred a cocktail of two parts Dubonnet to one part gin, garnished with lemon.

What alcoholic drink did Queen Elizabeth have? ›

Queen Elizabeth II has carried on the tradition of drinking her late mother's preferred aperitif, Dubonnet and gin, imbibing the cocktail every day before lunch as appetite-stimulator (although she's had to cut back in recent times so that she could be in top shape for her Platinum Jubilee).

What did the Queen of England drink every night? ›

Aside from her nightly dry martini, the Queen is a fan of Dubonnet and gin, which was the Queen Mother's favorite drink.

What was the food and nutrition like in the Elizabethan era? ›

Little was known about nutrition and the Elizabethan diet of the rich Nobles lacked Vitamin C, calcium and fibre. This led to an assortment of health problems including bad teeth, skin diseases, scurvy and rickets! Sugar was an expensive commodity and was known to blacken the teeth.

What did poor people eat in the Elizabethan era? ›

The upper class people of the Elizabethan Era ate many spicy and sweet foods consisting of expensive spices and ingredients. Poor people could not afford much red meat, like beef or pork, so tended to eat white meat, like chicken, rabbit or hare, and birds they could catch like blackbirds or pigeons.

What meats did they eat in the Elizabethan era? ›

Domestic animals: beef, veal, pork, chicken, duck, rabbit, goat. Also swan, peacock, goose, pigeon, doves. Swans were fairly common in the Thames, and not especially an upper class item.

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