Developed by Devcats and published by Silesia Games, A Building Full of Cats is a point and collect hidden item game.
Possessing 23 Achievements with 0 missables the full completion should take you less than an hour. As such the walkthrough will be fairly brief but comprehensive. Primarily using images of completed levels for reference, as well as a supplementary video walkthrough.
If you spot any errors or would like to advise ways to improve the walkthrough please comment on the Walkthrough Discussion Page.
The core gameplay is incredibly simple but here are some useful things to remember:
- You can press
to zoom in or out at anytime.
- Pressing
will reveal one unspotted cat, save this until the end when you might have 1 or 2 left to find.
- The levels persist even if you leave, so if you get frustrated you can always move on then comeback.
- Selecting a cat can sometimes be very precise so make sure they are definitely highlighted before moving on.
- Fafino will not reset locations, so if you pressed on them once they will stay at the next location even if you leave.
Before Starting
The cat locations are fixed and should match up with the images provided, however if you get stuck at any point please feel free to consult the video guide:
Miscellaneous Achievements
We will get the first achievement whilst on the main menu. At the bottom left of the building will be a secret cat, click them to get:
You can't hide!
3 guides
Now press the cat symbol on the elevator menu and press above the O in Giovani's name to get:
Give Meow Some Credit
I see you!
3 guides
Next click the settings option and click on the cat tail behind the wet floor sign to unlock:
Wet Floor
A big tail, indeed...
3 guides
1st Floor Achievements
This floor has 50 main cats, 10 hidden cats and will require you to click Fafino 3 times. The cats highlighted in yellow are main cats; those in green are hidden cats and will require you to interact with the area near them first.
Fafino will first appear under the Sideboard, then behind the clock and lastly behind the bath.
Once you have selected all cats you will unlock:
1st Floor
Find all 50 cats in the first floor
2 guides
Hidden Cats 1st
Find all hidden cats in the first floor
2 guides
Find Fofiño
2 guides
2nd Floor Achievements
This floor has 50 main cats, 10 hidden cats and will require you to click Fafino 3 times. The cats highlighted in pink are main cats; those in yellow are hidden cats and will require you to interact with the area near them first.
Fafino will first appear behind the bathroom cabinet, then behind the succulents on the far left of the main room and lastly behind the plant pot on the far right of the main room.
Once you have selected all cats you will unlock:
2nd Floor
Find all 50 cats in the second floor
2 guides
Hidden Cats 2nd
Find all hidden cats in the second floor
2 guides
Find Fofiño
2 guides
3rd Floor Achievements
This floor has 50 main cats, 10 hidden cats and will require you to click Fafino 3 times. The cats highlighted in yellow are main cats; those in green are hidden cats and will require you to interact with the area near them first.
Fafino will first appear behind a plant pot on the far left, then at the top left of the bathroom mirror and finally behind the cat carrier on the far right of the main room.
Once you have selected all cats you will unlock:
3rd Floor
Find all 50 cats in the third floor
2 guides
Hidden Cats 3rd
Find all hidden cats in the third floor
2 guides
Find Fofiño
2 guides
4th Floor Achievements
This floor has 50 main cats, 10 hidden cats and will require you to click Fafino 3 times. The cats highlighted in yellow are main cats; those in purple are hidden cats and will require you to interact with the area near them first.
Fafino will first appear behind the toilet in the bathroom, then on a post-it note above the computer monitor and lastly on the shelf in the top right of the main room.
Once you have selected all cats you will unlock:
4th Floor
Find all 50 cats in the fourth floor
2 guides
Hidden Cats 4th
Find all hidden cats in the fourth floor
2 guides
Find Fofiño
2 guides
5th Floor Achievements
This floor has 50 main cats, 10 hidden cats and will require you to click Fafino 3 times. The cats highlighted in blue are main cats; those in yellow are hidden cats and will require you to interact with the area near them first. Worth noting you will need to press the light switch to get the cat inside the ceiling light.
Fafino will first appear behind the coffee table, than behind the toilet and lastly inside the window of the cat box at the very bottom of the screen slightly left of centre in the main room.
Once you have selected all cats you will unlock:
5th Floor
Find all 50 cats in the fifth floor
2 guides
Hidden Cats 5th
Find all hidden cats in the fifth floor
2 guides
Find Fofiño
2 guides
The Roof Achievements
To access the roof you need to be on the door section of floor 5 and press The roof has 15 cats, collect these first (Highlighted yellow).
Once you have them all you will unlock:
6th Floor... technically
Find all 15 cats on the roof
2 guides
Then interact with Fafino and select Yes to adopt them and unlock:
Find Fofiño!
3 guides
3 guides
The Bunker Achievements
The Bunker has 60 main cats and 12 hidden cats. The cats highlighted in blue are main cats; those in green are hidden cats and will require to interact with area near them first.
Once you have them all you will unlock:
The Bunker
Find all cats in the bunker
2 guides
Hidden in the bunker
Find all hidden cats in the bunker
2 guides
And will have your new completion!