Is Peanut Oil Good or Bad for Health? Separating Fact vs. Fiction (2024)

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By Rachael Link, MS, RD

November 29, 2023

Is Peanut Oil Good or Bad for Health? Separating Fact vs. Fiction (1)

Peanut oil is a popular choice for fried foods thanks to its low cost, versatility and high smoke point. Interestingly enough, it’s also been linked to some health benefits, including improved heart health and better blood sugar control.

However, there are several downsides to consider as well, especially when it comes to its ability to oxidize easily and its content of omega-6 fatty acids.

So is peanut oil healthy for frying? How long is peanut oil good for, and how can you add this common cooking oil to your daily diet?

Here’s what you need to know.

What Is Peanut Oil?

Peanut oil is a type of vegetable oil produced from the seeds of the peanut plant. This vegetable oil is commonly used in many parts of the world and considered a staple in Southeast Asian and Chinese cuisines.

What can peanut oil be used for?

In some cases, it is used to boost the flavor of certain dishes and add a nutty aroma, much like sesame oil.

Because of its high smoke point, many also use refined varieties for frying foods in large quantities, such as french fries.

Other potential peanut oil uses include soap-making and biofuel production. It can also be used as a gentle and hydrating massage oil.

The peanut plant originates in South America. It is thought to have been grown in Peru or Brazil thousands of years. The history of the oil itself can be traced back to the 1800s, when the French began experimenting with its production and started using it to make soap.

During World War II, it also skyrocketed in popularity due to the low peanut oil prices and shortages of other cooking oils.

This common cooking oil has also garnered a good amount of attention in recent years after claims emerged that peanut oil in vaccines could contribute to the rise in the prevalence of peanut allergies. However, this myth has been repeatedly debunked as false in the years since.


There are several types of peanut oil available, each of which differs based on the processing methods used to produce it and the taste and aroma that it provides.

  • Refined peanut oil: Often considered the best oil for deep-frying, this type of oil undergoes a high level of processing, which removes the proteins that cause allergic reactions in those with an allergy to peanuts.
  • Gourmet peanut oil: This type of unrefined oil is usually roasted, giving it an intense, nutty flavor and aroma. It works well in stir-fries along with a variety of other baked goods and cooked dishes.
  • Cold-pressed peanut oil: This form of oil is produced by crushing the peanuts rather than exposing them to high temperatures. This helps retain the nutritional value and preserves the nutty flavor of the oil.
  • Peanut oil blends: Many manufacturers combine peanut oil with other inexpensive oils, such as soybean oil, to make a blend that’s ideal for frying. This helps keep costs low for consumers on a budget.

Nutrition Facts

Peanut oil is high in calories and fat, with the majority of its fat composition coming from monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. It also contains a bit of vitamin E and is rich in omega-6 fatty acids as well.

A one-tablespoon serving of peanut oil (about 13.5 grams) contains approximately:

  • Calories: 119
  • Total Fat: 13.5 g
    • Saturated Fat: 2.3 g
    • Polyunsaturated Fat: 4.3 g
    • Monounsaturated Fat: 6.4 g
    • Trans Fat: 0 g
  • Vitamin E: 2.1 mg (14% DV*)

*Daily Value: Percentages are based on a diet of 2,000 calories a day.

Potential Benefits

1. Good Source of Vitamin E

Peanut oil is a great source of vitamin E, a fat-soluble vitamin that acts as an antioxidant. Promising research also shows that this potent micronutrient could improve immune function and may help protect against heart disease, cancer, eye problems and dementia.

It’s also rich in both mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids, both of which can be beneficial to health.

2. May Help Protect Heart Health

According to the American Heart Association, decreasing your intake of saturated fats and replacing them with polyunsaturated fats could reduce the risk of heart disease by up to 30 percent. Further research notes, “Many studies have revealed that consumption of peanuts or peanut oil is associated with reduced cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk and may improve serum lipid profiles, decrease LDL oxidation, and exert a cardio-protective effect. Frequent intake of peanut and its products may reduce the risk of colorectal cancer.”

3. May Help With Insulin Sensitivity

Another study published in PLoS Medicine showed that swapping saturated fats for polyunsaturated fats could significantly reduce blood sugar levels and improve the secretion of insulin, an important hormone involved in blood sugar control. In fact, a study conducted on mice found that “consumption of peanut oil, which is high in oleic acid, was able to reverse the high glucose levels of all type 2 diabetic mice (8 out of 8) and normalize values by 21 day treatment of peanut oil, whereas the blood glucose levels of type 1 diabetic mice remained unaffected.”

4. Cheap and Convenient

Besides the possible health benefits, cooking with peanut oil can also be an affordable and convenient choice over other cooking oils. Not only are there many options for where to buy peanut oil, but it’s also versatile and flavorful as well.

In fact, another potential benefit of this common cooking oil is the peanut oil smoke point. It’s often considered the best oil for frying because it’s cheap, widely available and can withstand relatively high temperatures.

Unrefined oils have a smoke point of 320 degrees Fahrenheit, which is about the same as regular olive oil. Refined oil, on the other hand, typically has a higher smoke point, which is generally about 450 degrees Fahrenheit.

Potential Risks and Side Effects

So is it healthy to cook with peanut oil, or is peanut oil bad for you? There are definitely some downsides to consider.

1. Prone to Oxidation

Although refined varieties of the oil do have a relatively high smoke point, they may not be the best choice for high-heat cooking. This is because they are high in unsaturated fatty acids, which are more susceptible to oxidation when exposed to heat.

This leads to the buildup of harmful free radicals in the body and an increase in oxidative stress, which can have detrimental effects on several aspects of health.

Oxidative stress can trigger inflammation and contribute to a number of chronic health issues, including cancer, heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis and neurological conditions.

2. High in Omega-6

This common cooking oil is also high in omega-6 fatty acids, which can increase levels of inflammation in the body. Sustaining high levels of inflammation can also be harmful to health and could increase the risk of chronic disease.

Another common question is: Is peanut oil keto? While it definitely can fit into a healthy ketogenic diet, it’s best to pick minimally processed, unrefined forms whenever possible to maximize the potential health benefits.

And keto or not, it should also be paired with a variety of other healthy fats as part of a well-rounded diet, such as olive oil, coconut oil or avocados.

3. Could Trigger Allergies

Additionally, while refined peanut oil is considered non-allergenic, unrefined peanut oil can trigger food allergy symptoms in those with an allergy to peanuts and should be avoided.

Many people wonder about the connection between peanut allergy and peanut oil consumption.

While refined varieties are considered safe for those with a peanut oil allergy, unrefined types are not. Therefore, it’s important to opt for refined varieties or choose other healthy cooking oils instead if you have an allergy to peanuts.

Does peanut oil go bad? How long does peanut oil last, and how can you tell if peanut oil has gone bad?

If left unopened, most types can stay fresh for up to one to two years. If the oil becomes cloudy, changes color or takes on an unpleasant smell, it’s best to discard.

Another common question is: Can you reuse peanut oil after frying? While you can reuse the oil, it’s important to remove any food particles first.

Additionally, keep in mind that the oil does break down with each use, so reusing it multiple times can cause the quality to quickly deteriorate.

Finally, although this oil is associated with several health benefits, it also oxidizes easily and is high in pro-inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids. Therefore, it’s important to round out your diet with a variety of other healthy fats, including nuts, seeds, coconut oil, extra-virgin olive oil, MCT oil or avocados.

Peanut Oil Substitutes

Wondering what is the healthiest oil to cook with and what you can use as a suitable substitute for peanut oil?

Olive oil is one of the most well-known and popular oils available, and it is often considered one of the healthiest oils to cook with.

Is peanut oil better than olive oil?

Both are low in saturated fat and high in unsaturated fatty acids. Additionally, extra-virgin olive oil and unrefined peanut oil also have a similar smoke point of around 320 degrees Fahrenheit.

The main difference between peanut oil vs. olive oil, however, is that olive oil is made up almost entirely of monounsaturated fats whereas peanut oil contains both mono- and polyunsaturated fats.

Coconut oil is a great alternative for a high-heat cooking oil. It has a high smoke point and is rich in medium-chain triglycerides, which are a beneficial type of fatty acid.

Avocado oil is another healthy option for a peanut oil substitute. With a smoke point of 520 degrees Fahrenheit, it’s ideal for sautéeing, baking, frying and roasting.

Like olive oil, it’s composed almost entirely of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats.

Is peanut oil better for you than vegetable oil? What are the differences between peanut oil vs. vegetable oil?

Most products labeled “vegetable oil” are actually a blend of several different types of oil, including canola, soybean, corn or safflower oil. Vegetable oils generally have a comparable nutrition profile, with high amounts of pro-inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids, lots of unsaturated fats and minimal saturated fat in each serving.

The main difference between peanut oil vs. canola oil and other types of vegetable oils, however, is that organic peanut oil tends to have a longer shelf life.

If you do decide to give it a try, be sure to select unrefined, cold-pressed varieties whenever possible to maximize the nutritional value.

Final Thoughts

  • Peanut oil is a type of cooking oil made from the peanut plant, which is commonly used in Southeast Asian and Chinese cuisines.
  • There are several different types available, including refined, gourmet, cold-pressed and blended varieties.
  • Is peanut oil good for you? Each serving contains a good amount of vitamin E and mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which can be useful for heart health and blood sugar control.
  • The peanut oil price, versatility and widespread availability may also be beneficial for consumers.
  • Despite the relatively high smoke point of peanut oil, it’s also high in unsaturated fatty acids, which are more susceptible to oxidation when exposed to heat. It also contains a high amount of pro-inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids.
  • For this reason, it’s not the best frying oil compared to other varieties like coconut oil or avocado oil.
  • Because of the downsides associated with this popular cooking oil, it’s best to balance your diet with a variety of other healthy fats as well, including avocados, nuts, seeds and coconut oil.
Is Peanut Oil Good or Bad for Health? Separating Fact vs. Fiction (2024)


Is peanut oil healthy the surprising truth? ›

Most people already consume a diet high in omega-6 fats, which are found in vegetable oils, fast food, and many packaged products. Consuming peanut oil in moderation is generally considered safe. However, if you consume too much omega-6 fatty acid, it harms in many ways, including increasing the odds of heart disease.

Is peanut oil healthy or unhealthy? ›

With high levels of vitamin E and monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats (unsaturated “good fats”), peanut oil could be good for the heart. Studies have shown that replacing saturated fats with these types of unsaturated fats contribute to a lower risk of heart disease.

Is peanut butter oil separation bad? ›

But because natural peanut butters don't contain these stabilizers, the oil in peanuts tends to separate from the peanut solids when sitting on the shelf. The process of oils and solids separating, known as syneresis, is completely safe, but it's still really irritating.

What's healthier, olive oil or peanut oil? ›

As for vitamins and minerals, both olive oil and peanut oil contain vitamin E. However, olive oil also contains additional healthy compounds, including other vitamins, antioxidants, polyphenols and more. As a result, olive oil offers more well-rounded health benefits than peanut oil does.

What is the healthiest oil to cook with? ›

Oils with more monounsaturated fats, such as rapeseed and olive, are also less susceptible to heat. Rapeseed oil (often sold as generic vegetable oil) and inexpensive olive oil are therefore the best choices for cooking. All cooking fats add fat and calories to your diet.

Which is healthier, peanut oil or vegetable oil? ›

Vegetable oils are generally healthier than other oils and fats because they are composed predominantly of unsaturated fats as opposed to saturated fat. Unsaturated fats, which include both polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, are healthier than saturated fat.

Does Chick-fil-A use peanut oil? ›

Ever since our founder Truett Cathy created the Chick-fil-A® Chicken Sandwich, we've been cooking our hand-breaded chicken exclusively in fully refined, heat-processed peanut oil.

Which is better sunflower oil or peanut oil? ›

Both oils have the same nutritional profile, but wood-pressed groundnut oil has a better ratio of essential fatty acids than sunflower oil. Groundnut oil also adds flavour to dishes, while sunflower oil blends in perfectly without being noticed. They have similar health benefits and are ideal for high-heat cooking.

Is peanut inflammatory? ›

Tree nuts and peanuts lower risk factors of cardiometabolic disease, including blood lipids, blood pressure and insulin resistance, among others. Given their strong antioxidant/anti-inflammatory potential, it is plausible that nuts may also exert a favorable effect on inflammation and oxidative stress.

Should you refrigerate peanut oil? ›

The oil may be stored in the refrigerator for several months or until signs of deterioration begin. Cover the oil and refrigerate it to prevent it from becoming rancid. According to the Texas Peanut Producers Board, peanut oil may be used three or four times to fry turkeys before signs of deterioration begin.

Does peanut oil increase cholesterol? ›

Peanut oil is high in monounsaturated "good" fat and low in saturated "bad" fat. This is believed to help prevent heart disease and lower cholesterol. Peanut oil might help to reduce fatty build up in blood vessels.

Is the oil on top of peanut butter bad for you? ›

If you have a lot of floating oil on the top of your peanut butter jar, you don't need to worry, it's a sign that your peanut butter is all-natural. Store the jar in the pantry upside down, which will help some of the oil incorporate.

What is the next healthiest oil to olive oil? ›

You can apply the principles of the Mediterranean diet to any type of cuisine, and oils are an excellent ingredient to start with. Cooking oils like avocado, sesame, peanut and canola offer similar nutritional value and potential health benefits to olive oil.

Which is healthier, corn oil or peanut oil? ›

Corn oil is often compared to olive oil for its heart benefits. With 13 percent saturated fats, its health benefits include lowering cholesterol and blood pressure. Peanut oil is naturally trans fat free, cholesterol free, and low in saturated fats (18 percent).

What is a good substitute for peanut oil? ›

So what's the best alternative to peanut oil? Sesame is the best replacement for peanut oil if you're seeking to replace the ingredient due to its similar nutty taste. Canola, grapeseed, or sunflower oil are your top choices if you require an oil for frying that has equivalent cooking characteristics.

Is peanut oil healthier than canola oil? ›

Peanut oil is higher in saturated fat, with 18%, making it slightly less healthy than canola oil, but it still contains 48% monounsaturated fat and 34% polyunsaturated fat. An all-purpose oil that's high in monounsaturated fats, peanut oil is also about 30% polyunsaturated fats and 20% saturated.

Is peanut oil better for you than corn oil? ›

Corn oil is often compared to olive oil for its heart benefits. With 13 percent saturated fats, its health benefits include lowering cholesterol and blood pressure. Peanut oil is naturally trans fat free, cholesterol free, and low in saturated fats (18 percent).

Are nuts roasted in peanut oil healthy? ›

Most roasted peanuts are cooked in peanut oil, which contains the same heart-healthy monounsaturated fats found in olive oil. However, roasting them in oil will not increase their overall fat content. In fact, roasting peanuts in a heart-healthy oil makes them tasty and nutritious.

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