The News-Star from Monroe, Louisiana (2024)

MAY 28. THE MONROE (LA.) NEWS-STAR PAGE SEVENTEEN MITCHELL PTA OFFICERS The outgoing officers pictured top row, left to right; Mrs. Amlee Cook. Principal, Mrs. I.

T. Hill. Vice-President, Mrs. Harold Oetgen, President. Mrs.

Fred Stone. Treasurer. The incoming officers are reading left to right bottom row; Mrs. Alex Winn. President.

James Daniels, Vice-President, Mrs. Otha Martin, Secretary, Mrs. Virge Chavis, Treasurer. JACOBY on CANASTA Oswald Jacoby. Mitchell A.

Has Installation Exercise Timber Selecting Conserves Growth Improvise In Chilean Canasta received a number of ques-tder) of seven cards is called tions about Chilean Canasta, or sequence canasta of wild cards, four-pack Canasta. Some people worth 2000 points, have called it Cuban Canasta, and; in Samba, a sequence may others have given it all sorts of be melded. A sequence (ail cards fancy names. 0f the same suit, in ranking or- All of these requests boil down der) nf seven cards is called a to the same thing. My correspon- sequence canasta, and Is worth dcnts want to know the rules of the qqo pomig.

You may add cards to Canasta game that is played with a sequence canasta; and if you four packs of cards. I finally get It up to 11 cards in I must begin by saying that length (ace down to the four), the there are no official rules for this bonus Is 3000 instead of only 2000 game. My friends in South Amer- points. ica have sent me nine or ten dif-1 The ordinary mixed canasta Is ferent sets of rules, and I am as- worth the normal 300 points; and sured that if I wrote to a thou- the ordinary natural canasta la sand people I probably get close worth the normal 500 points. Natto a thousand different versions.

I urai canastas are much easier to Nevertheless there Is a basic make since there are 16 of a kind game on which most of them seem instead of the usual eight of a to agree. Canasta enthusiasts in kind. this country will have no trouble! You need two canastas to meld working out the main principles of out. Game is 10,000 points. GETS SCHOLARSHIP Monroe Youth To Present Quartet beta Cartwright, Sidney Moore, W.

F. Roberts, P. A. MeFalls. Dewey Mobley.

Precinct It: Benton School. Lee Avenue Deputy Sheriff O. L. Cloyd; Pearl Morgan, M. A mi VmtlU IYlISB luBC i The Monroe Youth quarter will seaman, w.

present a concert of gospel songs Ringiiuo, Mary Patrick in the OPHS auditorium, Thursday at 8 p. m. This concert is sponsored by the Church of God Youth Fellowship, Cypress street, West Monroe, and the aim Is to pay for the services of an evangelist this summer. WARD TXN Precinct Edwin Private 8000 Island Drive Deputy Sheriff: John W. Orlffith; Layton Lamkln.

Florence Bubfc, Allen Barham, A. R. Qllll- Preclnct 3: Oolf Ciub rorsythe Ave. Deputy Sheriff: John Salisbury; nn I N. Album, Fran- The quartet comprises Jerry Da- clg Brltt Mrg Klng j.

R. Cotton. R. E. Major, Jr.

Precinct 3: Episcopal Parish House Glenmar St. Deputy Sheriff Mark wil- Commissioners: Mrs. Nellie Walker, T. Lewman Mary Alice Lof- lln. Caro W.

Elliott, Alma X. Wll- ensick. Precinct 4: Georgia Tucker School Stubbs Avenue Deputy Sheriff: E. McKensle, Jr CommUslonere: Blanche Doughty. Mrs Floyd Taylor.

Mrs. E. P. Cudd. Harry Russell, Mre.

Smith. Precinct 5: Quality Grocery Store. 102S N. 6th St. Deputy Sheriff: Mrs R.

Garrison; Commissioners: Ellen Liebrelch, Mrs. Helen Phelpe, C. 8. Pos- FERRIDAY, May 26. ter.

Mrs. A Hobson, Garrison. yf. A receivins bT'10 Neville High School faculty, has children in need of emergencv caiC Burroughs: Mrs. because of Improper home condl- stockton.

wesiey ahafto. Mrs. tions will be established to serve Mrs. Zllpah Baker, Arden O. vis, rich singing baritone; H.

V. Shaw, high note singer; Dwight Grubbs, master of ceremonies; Henschel Duncan, way down bass singer; and George Grubbs, guitarist and comedian. Mike Alien will be pianist. Wholesome entertainment will be offered. This concert will inspire and deepen religious faith, so be present.

EMERGENCY HOME PLANNED Lot Four (4) Hundred Fee more or less along Ita Northeast boundary line and Ninety seven Feet (PT) mors or less along Southwest boundary line, with an average width of Fifty Feet tSOi more or less; said porUon of said Lot Four (4) being a part of the same lot acquired by the Louisiana Highway Commission from E. L. May by an act of sale passed before L. L. Wood.

Notary Public, on the 6th day of July, 1839 and of rteord In Book 334, page 175 of the Conveyance Records of the Parish of Ouachita. State of Louisiana. Full information and proposal may obtained from the above upon request. Bids must be submitted on proposal forms provided by the Department. The Department reserves the right ta reject any and all bids and waive any Informalities DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS OEOROE S.

COVERT. Director Monroe. La. May 36, 1853. June 3, 16, 1851 just been awarded a scholarship for the coming year in Harvard University toward the degree of Master of Education.

the game, and then they can proceed to improvise their own minor I rules in any way that pleases them. There are differences of opinion about when red threes count plus, about when your melds count in The officers for 1952-53 session FERR1DAY, May 26 mere installed at W. R. Mitchell Concordia parish timber owners can now sell timber that was form- rly left standing in the woods to die May A. meeting.

The instai- To begin with, you need four or-, your favor, and so on. discuss dinary decks of cards with four sorne Df those points in my next Jokers a total of 212 cards. This column. If you want to try the is quite a handful to shuffle, but game, be sure to save this column if your hands aren big enough as a reminder of the rules. TECH BESTOWS VALUED HONORS 16 Seniors Groduote With Concordia.

Catahoula, 1 ranklin, i pickup station t04 Tensas Madison, Richland, East Louisville av Dsputy sheriff: and'West Carroll parishes by the James Larkin Commissioners: Mrs tv i- I- I Cornett, Mrs. Gladys Frierson. Mrs C. State Department of Public Pearce gr Mrg Mff I fare. Legal Notices 79 Paul Thompson Precinct 8: Fire Station on LoutsvUle Avenue Deputy Sheriff: Mrs Gladys Rhodes; Commissioners; Mrs.

Mareelle Renaud, Mrs. Lawrence Huanlcut, Milton Hager, Mrs. J. D. Reeves, Mrs.

lation was made by Mrs. H. and decay the same time they you can gvt some of the other play Tait as follows: Mrs. Alex Winn, can improve the growing era to shuffle portions nf the deck; Mr. Jacoby is unable to answer Gtnerol 24 With president, Daniels, for the higher grade timber that is or you can use one of the shuffling individual questions on Canasta virp president, Mrs.

Otha Martin left, Roilie H. with that every gadget-loving from readers. May 24, 1052. Hunt Wilkinson Motor Co Washington St. Deputy Sheriff: F.

Goes; Commissioners: Mrs. Stanley the City of Monroe, Louisiana, met pur suant to law on this 24th day of May Other Recognition Each player is dealt 11 as i a In the normal game. Moat other nowe Lisrea ms basic rules are the same as in ordinary Canasta. An important difference Is that Outstanding In His Class RUSTON, May (Special Sixteen graduated with general honors and 24 with departmental distinction at Louisiana secretary, Mrs. Y.rge Chavis, trea- the Soil Conservation Service In card player seems to have around.

surer. Vldalia, A letter of resignation read Approximately 40 people were by Mrs. James Danteis stating Mrs present at a demonstration of Billy Clark will be unable to fill selective timber thinning May 18th her ir rrt.iry her on the Ferriday-Jonesville high- impwum max 0 vvc, son of Mr. and Mrs. I in moving to Monroe Mrs Ottn Mar- way.

These demonatraUons were allowed to meld three or Rowc. of Hodge, has been tin was elected tp fill Mrs. Clark's made possible through the coope- more wild cards as a all ona 0f the 514 out of 175,000 baton place. ration Forestry themselves natural twlrlers In the nation to be chosen James represent- Commission, Extension Service, such a meld contains to appear in "Who's Who in Baton Those receiving general honors ing the I nit, presented Mrs. Har- land owners S.

L. Winston, and or wild cards with old Oetg( i .1 lovely ft appre Fisher 1 imhsr Company, loral nu? cards, it is a can- cia'ion cf hrr loyalty for the past pulpwood dealers A. L. McKennie, as President Octccn. in and reprc.scr.tatnes of the dealers 1(JUI, turn prevented the attendance of the following saws: Poulan Me- As eamba, a sequence may avi-artj jn Rugton yaar.

award given the Unit by the Twin CoUouch, Homelite, Sandvik, I. Z- melded. A sequence eards City council. At this time, Mrs. L.

Simond and Kut Kwick. Oetgen expressed her appreciation The Umber selected for thinning i tion to attend the National Jam for the rooperition of the Unit this was second growth sweet gum that the present time there is a better boree this summer. He plans to at- Grove; Harriet B. Crowder, Rus- year. needed thinning in order to give market for sweet gum pulp wood tend the Louisiana Tech music ton; Billie John Deas, Arcadia; The meeting as then adjourned the higher grade trees more room than for pulp woods from any of camp in July.

He is now drum ma- William C. Gaddy, MonUeel- and a covered dish surpcr was en- In which to grow. The sweet gum the other hardwood growing in this Jor for the Jonesboro-Hodge High lo. James R. Hildreth, Pine wild cards, worth 2000 Twirling of follows; Joe won a first division award Magna Cum Laude at the state musie festival in fsyette last year and won the same Coon Howard Pons ell Spaulora Tidwell He is member of the national as- James F.

Tooke, Homer; Robert M. Wiley, Shreveport, and Edwin B. Wright, Waterfall, Pa. Cum Laude Joan Aber- of the aama tult. In ranking or-j and ba, ref.ejved Invita- nethy.

Lake Providence: Jo Ann Bell, Vivian; Darvis E. Coody, Oak ployed by ail Umber was because at area school band.Bluff, Ark Frederick W. Johnson, Mtnden. Luther Moore. Minden; Carl N.

Steen, Farmerville; Joyce P. Tisdale, Wlsner; Arthur Alton Warwick, Shreveport; Mary Elizabeth Womack, Dubberly. Recipients of departmental honors were: Abernethy. Lake Providence, Spanish; Jo Ann Bell, Vi, vian, education and secretarial I science; Darvis E. Coody, Oak 4784 4335 289 365 1185 31S3 4 4SI 5775 4478 5317 5155 6238 3921 5313 4225 Ed Strenf The following persons the candidates for their respective and Grove, accounting and business; lag received a majority of all votes William C.

Gaddy, MinUceliO, cast were declared to be the nominees nr.ient LommissioDcrs; iwr 5 oianiey 1852 with the following members pr.i Hodges. L. Wilkinson, Mrs. atdney eonstitutlng a quorum, to wu. Stroud, Lillie B.

Glenn, Mrs Eugenia C. Roy Q. Cole. E. Strong.

George Fink. Henry Haas. The meeting was failed to order Rnv Cole, chairman, who presided with Georgs Fink, secretary of the committee The members thereupon proceeded to canvass the of the primary election held on May 30. 1S52. which resulted as follows: ot Mayor 3611 3771 165 130 3481 For Commissioner of Finance and PubUe UUUtlea Brennan Cline Milisaps For Commissioner of and Parks Hathaway Huekaby Lane McSherry Simmons For Member of the CUT School Board Alyee Davis Ronald L.

Davis wiUlam B. Oannawsy Mike John. Jr. Jones Floyd L. Martin Anna Gray Noe J.

H. Scogln. Jr. H. Scott Warren Taylor For Member of the Democratic Executive Committee of the City of Monroe, La.

Joseph A Batts glia Roy Cole, Sr. 8363 Oeorge Fink 7934 Henry Haas. Sr 8416 Simon A Johnson 844-' C. Reid Oliver Precinct 10: Andy Orocery, 327 6th St Deputy Sheriff: Andrew Glenn; Commissioners: Mrs, E. W.

Earl. Mrs. Gladys Maroney, Mrs A Snider. Mrs. C.

Cobb, Mrs Pattie t. Carr Precinct Scott Truck and Traetor Co 720 DeSisrd St Deputy Sheriff: H. Commissioners: Mrs. M. O.

Irby, Fuia Jones. Mrs. E. Copeland. Miss Tracy Guerriero, Mrs J.

L. Coon. Precinct 12: Orocery 2204 DeBlard St we Deputy Sheriff: Mike Luffey; Mrs. L. A.

Worley, M-s. A. Tompkins Mrs. John Oster- Und, Mrs. John L.

Luffey, Mrs. H. Kincaid. Preclnet 13: College Auditorium, 4600 De- iiard St. Deputy Sheriff- Henry J.

Cohn; Commissioners- Mrs. Stevens, Mrs C. Peterson. J. Humble.

Mrs. Oeorge Foreman, Mrs. H. Moak. Precinct IS: Fowell Ave.

Fire Station. South Side of DeStard St. Deputy Sheriff: R. L. Franiom; Commissioners: Mre.

A. Cotton. c. Kornman. Mrs.

Mary hiagnon, Don Simmons, Mrs. Leo Ritter. Prcciaet 17: Nfville High School Auditorium. Forsythe Ave Deputy Sheriff: Roy Cole. Jr Commissioners: Mrs.

George Miller Charlotte Hamilton, Mrs. wuiiam Ruple, Mrs. Breard. Mrs Leo J. M-Stravlck This committee will meet back on the 38th day of June, 1852, for the purpose of eanvasstng and promulgating the returns of the second primary and the traniactlng of other buainesa properly coming before said meeting.

There being no further business to come before this meeting. It was adjourned. ROY CCLE, Chairman. G-orge Fink, Secretr Monroe, May 26. 1852.

IT'S SO EASY TO PLACE A WANT AD CALL 5161 SAMPLE ADS Around 3,000 ft. rough eyprsss lumber. $69.00 per thousand. Ph. 0-0000 This Is a ad.

10 Cost, 1 doy 64c, 3 doys $1.28, 7 $2.56. Wanted to buy. lavatortaa. kitchen alnka. Dial 900 California.

West This Is 3-Hne ad. 15 Cost, 1 day 96c, 3 days 7 $3.84. For Bale 1951 Prlgidalre with defroster. Osed omy 6 mo. Guarantaad perfect operating condition.

Call 0-0000, 123 So. Main 8t This is a 4-line od. 20 words. Cost, 1 day $1.28, i days $2.56, 7 days $5.12. CASH DISCOUNT if placed at WANT AD counter.

All ads may be cancelled at any time. Charge will be for the number of days ad appears. Is responsible for only one Incorrect Insertion ond then only to the extent of the cost of the od. Call 5161, The Want Ad Number A E5 the 5 ce NOTICE SALE OF STATE-OWNED LAND Sealed bid. for the sale of State-owned property hereinafter described will be re- eeived by the Louisiana Department of civil engineering; Billy Ray of the nemocra-Sc Party for their reaper- Room 307, Highway Office Vfnnrne hiafnrv- wii; Building.

Baton Rouge Louiaiana. until nargiss, Monroe, History, I. uer- For Commissienpr of Streets and Parks aid Harper, Alexandria, chemical Huekaby For Member of the City School Board William Oannaway, Jones Floyd L. Martin. Anna Gray Noe.

H. Beott. 5 Tit SB 6 lv 5 fNfw, UB SAW A atch His! Fff A TBO: BUT OKuy 9NmMD, eg ptON KMOMr ob 6 ftw CT! TAS2AN TOBSBO A 5r0Ng 5F.I9A. A'VAV taqzam "-f PZBsC" WAN TStv C- a v. V'CVOttY! WMKiLfO ABOUT to FAINT 90UH0, Ff 3 TG-g 3 jT Tnggg KO QP James R.

Hildreth, Pine Bluff, political science; James E. Jimeraon, Quitman, agronomy; Jeaie R. Undow, West Monroe, accounting and buainesa; Luther Moore, Minden. Recounting and buainess: Robert L. Nolan, Farmerville, physical education.

Bobbye L. Ponder. Bossier City, music; Jack N. Renfrow, Monroe, English; A. R.

Shipp, Jayton, forestry; Billy K. Smith. Joneaboro. education; Willie T. Smith, Winnsboro, accounting; Carl N.

Steen, Farmerville. foreatry; Eunice T. Stuckey Ruston, busi nesa; James F. Tooke, Homer, chemical engineering; Arthur A. Warwick, Shreveport, business.

Robert M. Wiley, Shreveport, civil engineering; Mary E. Womack, Dubberly, education and secretarial aciance; Edwin B. Wright, Waterfall, Pa physics and mathematics. and Alice Rolleigh, Monroe, English.

ST. MATTHEW'S (LOSING YEAR Graduating Class Has ion Sunday Morning 10:45 on Wednesday, June 23. 1852. After 10:45 a. proposals will be received In Room 305 Peabody Hall, until 00 a m.

No proposals will be received after 11:00 At 11:00 a of the RATES Dslly-Suit. Combination World 45 1 85 IAS 5 50 3 75 11 00 7 50 22 09 hate (By Mail La i Daliy-Sun. News-Star Cembinattesi Wocld Month ..115 A 1.15 I Months 3 25 3 25 I Year 13.00 19 06 12 NewvStsr Week 30 1 Month 1 29 3 3 Months 7 50 1 Year 15 00 5Tl ON, 2 ASA'S) lj jumpy THEN bB A he tlve Cemmlttae Roy Cole, Oeorge Fmk. Henry Haas Simon A. Johnson, H.

ReW Ed Strong. The aecretary and ehatrman of thta eom- mlttea were authorised and directed to certify the candidates above named to the of state as the nominees of the Democratic primary for their respective offices according to law It was determined that the two (2) candidates receiving the highest number of votes, but not a majority of votes, and entitled to have their names on the ballot in sseond primary, are follows: For Commissioner of Finance and Fublle Frank Cline Fred F. MUUaps For Mayor John Coon Howard Secretary this Committee waa directed to secure from tha printer the necessary material to be used In holding second primary Foiling Pisces and election Com missioners to in the second primarv to be held on the 34th day of June, 1952. arc as follows: WARD THREE Frsrteet 1: Boyce Nash 300 Hall St Deputy Sheriff: Mrs. OUle Duggtns: Commissioners: Mrs.

Louise Fleet. Mlekel, Mrs. Myrl Parrtll. Harry Hnrstmaa. Mrs.

Elia Llpsey. Precinct 3: Court House Deputy Sheriff J. Brothers; Commissioners: Mrs. Leila Fuller. Corry, Mrs.

Katherine Steen. Parker, Mrs. J. Brothers. Precinct 3' Store, 901 it Deputy Sheriff: Mre, J.

Devereaux: Cemmlsaloners: Mrs Aline Ban- later, Mrs Marv OarreUon, Mrs L. Mitchell, Mrs. Bam Ritso. Mrs Young Precinct 4: Service Nation. 520 Jackaon St.

Deputy Shertff: J. Hall; Commissioners: Mrs. Ira Castles, Mrs. Harry Oreenwood. Mrs B.

Butler. Mrs. Evans. Ralph Ortves Precmet 5 McCarthy Bakery, 70i Attirra In eeps end gowns, the gt Deputy sheriff. John 1M2 class at St.

High Mrs Charles PM- .4 7 A Nlnney. Mrs A Bar- scaooi had their Baccalaureate rvtt Mrl goiiey. Mrs Grace Loi- and Communion at St. loy Church Sunday at 9 a.m. They Avenuo station will have their Commencement later in the week.

of the class year are; Marcia Ann Renaud, Frank Bruacato. Salley Hays. Lupe Gonzales, Claudia Jemigan, Polly Biley, J. A. Brandi, Phyllis Jo Naataai, David Villeneuva, Rosina Liaotta, Joseph Man.sour, Vita For Member of the Democratic Fxecu- same day and date, they will be publicly opened and publicly read In Room Peabody readvertisem*nt LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY That portion of Lot Four of N.

O. Tlppit's Subdivision of the Skipper Tract, as per plat in Plat Book 3 at rage 14 of the records of the Clerk of Court, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana, which lies in the NE of SE of Section 3. T-17-N. R-3-E. between Biack Bayou and the existing West right of way line of the West Monroe Jonesboro Highway (State Route No.

300i; which right of way line lies parallel to and Thirty feet 1 30 distant from the center line of said Highway said portion of said GREEN STAMPS SPRING Cleaning. Waxing. CENTRAL TOWER SERVICE Doze But Never Louisville Si eterUnaton Rd. Ph. Serval UNITED ELECTRIC SERVICE 813 Louisville Ph.

I-344I STEAM CLEANING JIMMIE GUIRE'S ESSO 3010 Cypress. W. Ph CENTRAL SUPER Sinclair Producta Louisville at 2nd Ph, Stone Avenue Deputy Sheriff; Mrs. Bessie Worley: Mrs Fred Hanna. Mrs Mary Clawson, Hawthorn, Charlts Brownlee.

Mrs. L. A Williamson Precinct 7: Woods Priva'e age 0 2nd St Deputy Sheriff Nelson Abel Commlesloners Herbert Branch, Mrs Margie Hebert Cummins, Mrs. Hollis Cruse. Miss Edith Fsrts Preclnet Tidwell snd Sons Service Ststlon.

1618 Grand St Deputv Sher- ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS The Open Road is Calling! SAFETY IS A FAMILY AFFAIR Don't take chances! Drive In For A BRAKE INSPECTION TODAY Our brake safety inspection service is thorough ond reliable. We check for worn linings we check the entire droulic system. Put your family's safety in the skilled hands of our factory-trained mechanics. IT'S RIGHT THE FIRST TIME SERVICE AT MILNER-FULLER Your Dodge-Plymouth Dealer Dodge Job-Rated Trucks 212 Walnut St. Phone 3 3471 si CLOSf ThS PANIC- an cun TO OSE Of hi 5 CAMP Mrs.

Freeman Jaeola, Peter Corrent, Mary porter, Mrs. Sallye Parker. Mrs Elizabeth Debnam. Fred riuUt I tlaea Fbertf, Jane Shipp. Julius Fontana and Annette Pitar- ro.

W8NBI BOLTBP THE DOCH. SPIN POH BREATH. Juniors To Ploy Oak Si Hft BUT OVAKIH0 COULD SOT AhD, AN in PTANT LATgg, A BRONZED QlAHT BLAST IN TQ THS ZCQM Hatal oqilllo. Pre'lret Cneeds Grocery. 1001 2nd 8t Deputv SherNf Mrs Pettit.

Mrs Jack Herrick. Mrs James Richardson Mrs Wilkinson. Mrs. P. Hsmpton, Mrs.

7T. aw wart Preclnet 16- Bkellv Gas Companv Corner 2nd St. and winnsboro Road Deputv Sheriff: Mrs Rufus Gera; Com, Dennis John Smith, Mrs. Martin. Mrs.

Prank Legion Ktrby. Mrs J. Dosier. 1 Preclnet it; Firn station ott and Jackson Streets Deputy Sheriff: Will Atkinson; Commissioners: Mre. Inct Brown, Mrs, Johnston.

Mrs. Stroud, Mrs Sara Ttcheli, Mts. Mone rief Precinct If: Guv 2825 tee Avenue Depu.y Shertff A Breard Core Mrs Ouy Smart, Timmerman Mrs A Oon- sales Mrs W. E. Joiner.

Mrs. Mary The Monroe American Junior Baaehall team will meet Oak Juniors today at 4 p. m. on the Northeaat Louiaiana College diamond. Swanson and Guy Gannaway will be the battary for Monroe, whiie Posey will on the mound for Oak Monroe has not played a game 4 Precinct 13 Poisnd Sandwich this due to oeing rained out.

4)14 oranrt Deputy sheriff: Oak Grova, however, has played Johnson: Com Mrs. John Zu- 2 games, winning both. They de- TrV feated West Monroe 6 to Jonesboro-Hodge 15 to 10 stiles and Precmet 19 Ortno St Deputy Sheriff: C. I Taylor Commissioners; Annie Mse Breece Mc- Tne game was originally sche- Murry, Mrs. John Mrs Riiey duled for Oak Grove but was McRaney changed to Monroe because of the rr'emei 18 school schedules.

Avsnue Deputy Sheriff Mrs Warrington, Cosri mist lone Joshua Elisa- YOU BET YOUR LIFE When You Let Your "Lead Foot" PusN Your Gas Pedal To the Floor Don't in such hurry to keep a date with an accident. If you want to make a dote to be safe on the highway, make an appointment to havt your car FREE "SAFETY-CHECKED" NOW Twin City Motor Inc. Your Oldsmobile-CadUlae Dealer 509 North 2nd St. Phone 2-3157.

The News-Star from Monroe, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.