What Is Umami? (2024)

What Is Umami?

Umami is one of the five basic tastes, along with sour, sweet, bitter, and salty. It was discovered by a Japanese scientist named Kikunae Ikeda over 100 years ago. Umami is the savory flavor you find in foods such as meat, cheese, mushrooms, and soy sauce.

The five basic tastes serve an important purpose for food safety and quality. Each taste category comes with a message. When you taste something sweet, it signals the presence of carbohydrates that will give you energy. Bitterness warns you that something might be toxic and unsafe to eat. Umami helps you recognize amino acids and proteins. Since protein is vital to your health, this is an important taste.

Umami comes from three compounds that are naturally found in plants and meat: glutamate, inosinate, and guanylate. Glutamate is an amino acid found in vegetables and meat. Inosinate is primarily found in meat, and guanylate levels are the highest in plants.

Umami Flavor

Natural umami taste can be subtle and sometimes hard to recognize. Some of the foods with natural umami flavor include:

  • Mushrooms
  • Cooked meats
  • Cured meats
  • Seaweeds
  • Seafood
  • Tomatoes
  • Cheese
  • Fermented foods

Umami is a flavor enhancer. It can make foods taste richer, saltier, and more satisfying. Even though it's a savory flavor, it can also bring out sweetness in foods.

Adding the following foods to your recipes can increase umami:

Tomatoes. This fruit is high in glutamic acid and is one of the best sources of umami flavor. Adding tomatoes to a dish will help draw out the other flavors more. This might be why pizza and pasta are such popular foods, and why ketchup is a favorite condiment.

Cheese. You might enjoy cheese on its own, but it's also a great addition to a lot of recipes. A charcuterie board wouldn't be complete without a variety of cheeses, and parmesan sprinkled atop pasta is a common delight. Aged cheeses are especially high in glutamate. This is because as cheese ages, the proteins break down, which creates more free glutamate and more umami.

Meats. Cured meats such as pepperoni, salami, and bacon have more glutamate than fresh meats. This is because the curing process breaks down the proteins and makes free glutamate compounds.‌

Fermented foods. Foods such as soy sauce, kimchi (fermented vegetables), miso (soybean paste), and natto (fermented whole soybeans) are fermented. The fermentation process, like the curing process, also breaks down glutamate into free glutamate and gives a stronger umami taste.

Umami Seasoning

Sprinkling umami seasoning on your dishes is another way to add flavor to your foods. Umami seasoning is a powder made from ingredients such as dried mushrooms, garlic, tomato powder, seaweed, miso, nutritional yeast, and other umami foods. You can buy it premade or make your own. You can sprinkle umami powder on almost anything: pizza, pasta, cooked vegetables, salads, soups and stews, popcorn, potatoes, and more.

Umami Sauce

Umami sauce is another alternative to powder to bring the rich, savory flavor to your favorite dishes. There are many different recipes for this sauce. One version has vegetable stock, garlic, ginger, molasses, tomato paste, miso paste, lemon juice, and rice vinegar. Another version has soy sauce, olive oil, tomato paste, capers, olives, mushrooms, seaweed, garlic, miso, sesame oil, and cumin. Like umami seasoning, you can buy umami sauce already made or make it yourself.

Umami and MSG

Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is one of the most commonly used food additives. It comes from the glutamate found in foods. The same scientist who discovered umami came up with a way to manufacture MSG and patented it. It used to be made by taking glutamate from seaweed and drying it. Today, MSG is made by fermenting starch, sugar cane, molasses, or sugar beets. This process is similar to how yogurt, vinegar, and wine are made.

Pros and Cons of MSG

There's a lot of controversy around MSG. The FDA considers MSG to be safe to eat. But many people have reported side effects after eating it, such as nausea, migraines, sweating, and fast heartbeat. However, in studies, researchers have never been able to find a clear link between MSG and these reactions.

It's not clear where the claims that MSG is unsafe came from. MSG reactions have been called "Chinese Restaurant Syndrome." Chinese food often contains MSG, and the syndrome refers to the set of symptoms that many people claim to have as a reaction to MSG.

This myth about MSG may be rooted in racism against Asians. It's no longer acceptable to use the term "Chinese Restaurant Syndrome." It's now referred to as "MSG symptom complex," even though scientists haven't been able to find any evidence that MSG is the cause of these reactions.

Using MSG to flavor your foods can have benefits -- for example, if you need to limit your sodium intake for heart health. MSG contains little or no sodium, but it adds a lot of savory flavor. Some MSG seasonings may have salt added, so it's important to read labels. You should also ask your doctor if MSG is a good replacement for salt.

How to get umami flavor without MSG

If you feel that MSG makes you feel unwell after eating it, you can still get plenty of umami flavor by using umami seasonings or sauces made from whole foods.


Umami is recognized as the fifth taste. It's a savory flavor that's hard to pinpoint, but it makes foods taste rich and satisfying. Some foods that have an umami flavor include meats, cheeses, tomatoes, mushrooms, and fermented foods such as miso. MSG is a food additive that gives umami flavor, but it has a bad reputation for causing negative reactions. But there's no evidence to support this, and the FDA says it's safe to eat.

Umami FAQs

Is umami different than salty?

Umami and salty are two of the five different tastes. They are both savory flavors, but they are not the same thing.

Is umami good for you?

Umami itself isn't good or bad for you. Glutamate is an amino acid that has benefits for your body. Many foods with umami flavor are good for you, such as tomatoes, mushrooms, seaweed, and fermented foods. Other foods such as meat and cheese should be eaten in moderation. Cured meats generally aren't healthy to eat, except occasionally. And umami flavor might be added to some unhealthy processed foods, so it's important to read food labels.

Why is umami controversial?

MSG is an umami flavoring, and many people say that they have a bad reaction after eating it. But no scientific research can confirm this, and the FDA says MSG is safe to eat.

What Is Umami? (2024)


What is the taste of umami? ›

Umami, which is also known as monosodium glutamate is one of the basic five tastes including sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. Umami means “delicious savory taste” in Japanese, and its taste is often described as the meaty, savory deliciousness that deepens flavor.

What is an example of umami? ›

It's most commonly defined as “savoury”, but the characteristics of Umami can also be described as “meaty”, “complex” or even just “deliciousness”. We experience the fifth taste sensation of Umami on a daily basis – in fish, meat, tomatoes, cheese and soy sauce – even though we don't always consciously recognise it.

Is umami actually MSG? ›

MSG (monosodium glutamate) adds pure umami to foods. Umami is the fifth basic taste after sweet, sour, salty and bitter. If part of the salt in food is replaced with MSG, its umami taste compensates for the loss of saltiness, making even the low-salt dishes palatable.

What foods are most umami? ›

Some foods that are high in umami compounds are seafood, meats, aged cheeses, seaweeds, soy foods, mushrooms, tomatoes, kimchi, green tea, and many others. Try adding a few umami-rich foods to your diet to reap their flavor and health benefits.

Is Avocado a umami? ›

Considered a 'super-food' because of its highly nutritious fat content including oleic acid, high levels of vitamin B, C, E, K and potassium, and loaded with Umami, avocado has become extremely popular as a staple of Western vegetarian diets.

What does umami literally mean? ›

This fifth basic taste—alongside sweet, sour, salty, and bitter—was named umami, meaning "savoriness" in Japanese.

Is umami healthy? ›

On the positive side, umami taste can improve food flavor and consumption, improve nutrition intake of the elderly and patients, protect against duodenal cancer, reduce ingestion of sodium chloride, decrease consumption of fat, and improve oral functions.

Is bacon umami? ›

All-Natural Bacon Is Full Of Umami Deliciousness.

Bacon is said to deliver six different types of umami flavor. Umami is a Japanese term for a flavor that is both savory and meaty. Those six flavors melt down as the fat renders during cooking, creating a crispy, sweet, smoky and savory stick of bacon.

Are eggs considered umami? ›

Chicken eggs contain high-quality protein with well-balanced amino acids, as well as the vitamins (B6, etc.) necessary to metabolize the protein inside the body. This is why, along with milk, chicken eggs are called “complete foods.” Egg yolks contain the umami compound glutamic acid.

Why is umami controversial? ›

A taste is based on a single sensation, whereas flavor is the combination of multiple sensations experienced simultaneously. Umami's controversy lay in determining whether it was the result of multiple sensations, or could be detected singularly.

Is MSG unhealthy for you? ›

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has classified MSG as a food ingredient that's generally recognized as safe.

Is Trader Joe's umami seasoning MSG? ›

And for those concerned about monosodium glutamate (MSG), fear not: Because Umami occurs naturally in mushrooms, Trader Joe's has managed to capture its delicious essence without any additives.

What is the king of umami? ›

Whether cultivated or wild, mushrooms are a gastronomic joy, prized by chefs for their satiating umami flavor, distinctive textures and culinary versatility.

Is coffee umami? ›

For example, coffee beans from certain regions like Sumatra are known for their umami notes, while roasting beans to a lighter degree can enhance these flavours even more.

What triggers umami? ›

In the case of umami, there are several compounds which trigger the umami taste receptors. These include glutamate, a salt of glutamic acid, specific ribonucleotides, and glutamate salts including monosodium glutamate (MSG), potassium glutamate, and calcium glutamate among others.

What are the four flavors umami? ›

The taste cells in turn contain receptors for sweet, sour, salty, bitter and umami substances. From these receptors, information is transmitted to the brain,and we perceive the taste of the food. Umami substances function as the keys and their receptors as the keyholes.

Is MSG okay for you? ›

Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a flavor enhancer often added to restaurant foods, canned vegetables, soups, deli meats and other foods. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has classified MSG as a food ingredient that's generally recognized as safe.

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